DART Environmental IDIQ

Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART)
- Completing Phase 1 ESAs and area/corridor studies to determine historical uses and environmental issues.
- Conducting Phase 2 site investigations/contamination assessments to evaluate impacted properties.
- Developing and implementing remedial actions under the TCEQ PST/TRRP rules to close sites with contaminated soil and/or groundwater under the VCP, IOP, PST, or CA programs.
- Obtaining MSDs, and providing regulatory coordination and communication.
- Conducting in-situ/ex-situ remediation and product recovery.
- Developing remedial action plans and cost estimates.
- Providing comprehensive management, compliance and construction associated with petroleum storage or fueling systems services.
- Ensuring NPDES/TPDES/SWPPP compliance.
- Providing asbestos, lead paint and mold services.
- Conducting indoor/outdoor air quality assessments.
- Completing on-demand response to environmental emergencies.
Halff Services
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